Oca has its origin in the central and southern Andes where it is grown for its tubers.
Oca tubers can be eaten raw but are usually boiled like potato. Also young leaves and shoots are edible.
Oca has its origin in the central and southern Andes where it is grown for its tubers.
Oca tubers can be eaten raw but are usually boiled like potato. Also young leaves and shoots are edible.
Names Scientific Brassica rapa subsp. pekinensisSynonym Brassica pekinensisEnglish Celery cabbage Chinese cabbage Napa cabbageDutch Chinese koolFrench Chou chinois Chou de Pékin Pe-tsaïGerman Chinakohl Japankohl Pekingkohl Selleriekohl Taxonomy Genus BrassicaFamily BrassicaceaeOrder Brassicales Crop categories Vegetables Leaf vegetables Food crops Temperate crops Pictures
Neem is a tree with many uses. It is often used as medicine. Neem extracts are used as botanical pesticides and neem leaves are used as insect repellents. The tender shoots and flowers of the neem tree can be eaten as a vegetable. Neem oil is used to make shampoos, soap, or other products.
Pods and seeds of mungbean can be eaten as vegetable, but the seeds are often used to make bean sprouts.
Names Scientific Vigna aconitifoliaEnglish Moth bean Turkish gramFrench Haricot mat Haricot papillonGerman Mattenbohne Mottenbohne Mückenbohne Taxonomy Genus VignaFamily FabaceaeOrder Fabales Crop categories Vegetables Podded vegetables Food crops Tropical crops Legumes Pictures
Bamboo shoots are harvested and used as a vegetable.
There are several bamboo species that produce edible shoots, including Phyllostachys edulis, Bambusa vulgaris, and Bambusa oldhamii.
Mangelwurzel has large white, yellow or orange-yellow swollen roots, mainly used as fodder for feeding livestock. The root can be eaten as a vegetable.
Maca is native to the high Andes area of Peru and Bolivia.
Maca is grown for its fleshy hypocotyl, which is eaten as a root vegetable.
Lotus is an aquatic perennial plant. The rhizome is used as a vegetable. The flower stems are eaten as a vegetable.
Names Scientific Phaseolus lunatusEnglish Butter bean Lima beanDutch LimaboonSpanish Judía de Lima PallarFrench Haricot de Lima Pois du Cap Pois savonGerman LimabohneItalian Fagiolo di Lima Taxonomy Genus PhaseolusFamily FabaceaeOrder Fabales Crop categories Vegetables Podded vegetables Food crops Tropical crops Subtropical crops Legumes Pictures
Names Scientific Lactuca sativaEnglish Iceberg lettuce LettuceDutch IJsbergsla IJssla Kropsla SlaFrench Laitue Taxonomy Genus LactucaFamily AsteraceaeOrder Asterales Crop categories Vegetables Leaf vegetables Food crops Temperate crops Pictures
Kohlrabi or German turnip, is a type of cabbage plant that is cultivated for its swollen stem. Kohlrabi originates from Northern Europe. The enlarged kohlrabi stem can be peeled and cooked, or is used raw in salads. Also the leaves are edible and are similar to collard greens and kale. Some varieties of kohlrabi are
Kale is a hardy type of cabbage with long, rather coarse, curly leaves that don't form a compact head.
The fruits of this cactus , called prickly pear, can be eaten, but also the young pads are eaten as a vegetable.
Indian spinach originates from Asia but is now grown in most tropical regions.
Indian spinach is a leaf vegetable. It is usually cooked (like true spinach) but can also be used raw in salads.
When cooked, Indian spinach looks and tastes similar to true spinach (Spinacia oleracea), which is probably why it got this name. But actually it belongs to a different plant family.
Ivy gourd has its origin in South East Asia but is also grown in Africa.
Young leaves and stem tops of Ivy gourd are used in soups. Young and tender green fruits can be used raw in salads or cooked in curries. Ripe fruit is eaten raw.
Names Scientific Lablab purpureusSynonym Dolichos lablab Dolichos purpureaus Lablab lablab Lablab nigerEnglish Country bean Dolichos bean Hyacinth bean Indian beanSpanish Fríjol de Egipto Frijol dólicho Poroto ZarandajaFrench Dolique d’Égypte Lablab Pois antaqueGerman Ägyptische Bohne Helmbohne Indische BohneItalian Dolico egiziano Lablab Taxonomy Genus LablabFamily FabaceaeOrder Fabales Crop categories Vegetables Podded vegetables Food crops Tropical crops Legumes Pictures
Names Scientific Mesembryanthemum crystallinumEnglish Common ice plant Crystalline iceplant IceplantDutch IJskruid IJsplantjeSpanish Flor de la plata Yerba escarcha Yerba escarchadaFrench Ficoïde glacialeGerman Eisblume Eiskraut Mittagsblume Taxonomy Genus MesembryanthemumFamily AizoaceaeOrder Caryophyllales Crop categories Vegetables Leaf vegetables Food crops Subtropical crops Pictures
Names Scientific Macrotyloma uniflorumEnglish Horse gramGerman Pferdebohne Taxonomy Genus MacrotylomaFamily FabaceaeOrder Fabales Crop categories Vegetables Podded vegetables Food crops Tropical crops Subtropical crops Legumes Forage and fodder crops Pictures
The Guar bean can be eaten as a vegetable, but is usually grown as a source of guar gum which is used in food products and has also many industrial uses.
Names Scientific Lathyrus sativusEnglish Grass pea Indian pea Indian vetchSpanish Almorta ChicharoGerman Saat-PlatterbseItalian Cicerchia Taxonomy Genus LathyrusFamily FabaceaeOrder Fabales Crop categories Vegetables Podded vegetables Food crops Tropical crops Forage and fodder crops Pictures
Names Scientific Macrotyloma geocarpumEnglish Geocarpa groundnut Hausa groundnut Kersting’s groundnutDutch AardboonGerman Erdbohne Taxonomy Genus MacrotylomaFamily FabaceaeOrder Fabales Crop categories Vegetables Podded vegetables Food crops Tropical crops Pictures
Geocarpa groundnut Read More »
Young leaves and young shoots are eaten as a vegetable. Leaves are prepared as a kind of spinach, while shoots are eaten like asparagus.
Good King Henry has in the past often been cultivated as a vegetable in cottage gardens but is now rarely grown.
Garlic probably originates from central and southwestern Asia. It is now found in most countries and climates, with highest production in China and India. It is a plant in the onions family and is close related to the onion, shallot, leek and chive. Garlic is usually used as a condiment in food, in combination with other vegetables or meats.
Names Scientific Foeniculum vulgare var. azoricumEnglish Florence fennelDutch KnolvenkelGerman Gemüsefenchel Knollenfenchel Zwiebelfenchel Taxonomy Genus FoeniculumFamily ApiaceaeOrder Apiales Crop categories Vegetables Stem vegetables Food crops Temperate crops Pictures
The fruits of the fluted gourd are inedible, but leaves are used as a vegetable. The seeds are edible.
Names Scientific Ensete ventricosumEnglish Abyssinian Banana Enset Ethiopian Banana False bananaFrench Bananier d’AbyssinieGerman Abessinische Banane Ensete Zierbanane Taxonomy Genus EnseteFamily MusaceaeOrder Zingiberales Crop categories Vegetables Root vegetables Food crops Subtropical crops Staple food Pictures
Ethiopian eggplant is grown in parts of West and East Africa and also in the south of Italy.
Of the Ethiopian eggplant, both the fruits and leaves can be eaten. Fruits are eaten raw or cooked. Leaves are used like spinach.
Ethiopian eggplant belongs to the same genus as tomato and eggplant, and its ripe fruits often look like a cross between an eggplant and a tomato.
Ethiopian eggplant Read More »
Names Scientific Cichorium endiviaEnglish Endive Winter endiveDutch AndijvieSpanish EndiviaFrench Chicorée endiveGerman EndivieItalian Indivia Taxonomy Genus CichoriumFamily AsteraceaeOrder Asterales Crop categories Vegetables Leaf vegetables Food crops Temperate crops Pictures
Names Scientific Lepidium sativumEnglish Cress Garden cress Garden pepper cressDutch Bitterkers Sterrekers TuinkersSpanish Berro Lepido MastuerzoFrench Cresson alénoisGerman GartenkresseItalian Crescione Taxonomy Genus LepidiumFamily BrassicaceaeOrder Brassicales Crop categories Vegetables Leaf vegetables Herbs Food crops Temperate crops Pictures
Corn salad is an edible leaf vegetable. It has dark green leaves with a nutty flavor and soft texture.
Cowpea is closely related to the yard-long bean. Cowpea and the yard-long bean are different subspecies of Vigna unguiculata.
Names Scientific Portulaca oleraceaSynonym Portulaca sativaEnglish Common purslane Pigweed VerdolagaDutch PosteleinSpanish VerdolagaFrench PourpierGerman Gemüse-Portulak PortulakItalian Porcellana comune Portulaca Taxonomy Genus PortulacaFamily PortulacaceaeOrder Caryophyllales Crop categories Vegetables Leaf vegetables Food crops Temperate crops Pictures
Names Scientific Cyperus esculentusEnglish Chufa sedge Earth almond Tigernut sedge Yellow nutsedgeDutch Aardamandel KnolcyperusSpanish Chufa Juncia avellanadaFrench Amande de terre Choufa Gland de terre Noix tigrée Pois sucré Souchet comestibleGerman Erdmandel TigernussItalian Zigolo dolce Taxonomy Genus CyperusFamily CyperaceaeOrder Poales Crop categories Vegetables Tuber vegetables Food crops Subtropical crops Pictures
Chives are grown for their leaves which are used as a herb.
Chives are related to onion, leek and garlic.
Names Scientific Dioscorea oppositaSynonym Dioscorea batatasEnglish Chinese yam Japanese mountain yam Korean yam Nagaimo Taxonomy Genus DioscoreaFamily DioscoreaceaeOrder Dioscoreales Crop categories Vegetables Root vegetables Medicinal plants Food crops Tropical crops Pictures
Names Scientific Brassica rapa subsp. chinensisSynonym Brassica chinensisEnglish Bok choi Bok choy Chinese cabbage Pak choi Pak choyDutch PaksoiSpanish Bok choy Col china Pak choyFrench Bok choy Chou de Chine Pak choi Taxonomy Genus BrassicaFamily BrassicaceaeOrder Brassicales Crop categories Vegetables Leaf vegetables Food crops Temperate crops Pictures
Capsicum is a plant genus which includes several crop species (e.g. Capsicum annuum, Capsicum frutescens, Capsicum chinense, Capsicum pubescens, Capsicum baccatum). Some of these species include various quite different varieties.
Plants in the Capsicum genus produce fruits that are used as vegetables or as spices.
Names Scientific Capsicum pubescensEnglish Locoto Rocoto Tree chiliSpanish Chile de cera Chile manzano Chile perón Locoto RocotoFrench Piment Piment rocoto RocotoGerman Baumchili Taxonomy Genus CapsicumFamily SolanaceaeOrder Solanales Crop categories Vegetables Fruit vegetables Herbs Spices Stimulants Food crops Tropical crops Subtropical crops Pictures
Chili pepper Capsicum pubescens Read More »
Names Scientific Capsicum baccatumEnglish Ají Bishop’s crown Brazilian starfish Lemon drop Peppadew Wild baccatumDutch AjiSpanish Ají amarillo Ají escabecheFrench Piment Taxonomy Genus CapsicumFamily SolanaceaeOrder Solanales Crop categories Vegetables Fruit vegetables Herbs Spices Stimulants Food crops Tropical crops Subtropical crops Pictures
Chili pepper Capsicum baccatum Read More »
Names Scientific Cucurbita ficifoliaEnglish Chilacayote Fig-leaf gourd Malabar gourd Malabar squash Siam pumpkin Thai marrowDutch VijgenbladpompoenSpanish Alcayota Alcayote ChilacayoteFrench Courge à feuille de figuier Courge de Siam Melon de MalabarGerman Feigenblatt-KürbisItalian Zucca siamese Taxonomy Genus CucurbitaFamily CucurbitaceaeOrder Cucurbitales Crop categories Vegetables Fruit vegetables Edible seeds Food crops Tropical crops Pictures
Names Scientific Cichorium intybus var. foliosumEnglish Belgian endive Chicory French endive Red endive WitloofDutch Brussels lof Groenlof Witlof WitloofGerman Chicorée Fleischkraut Schikoree Zuckerhut Taxonomy Genus CichoriumFamily AsteraceaeOrder Asterales Crop categories Vegetables Leaf vegetables Food crops Temperate crops Pictures