Giant elephant ear
The giant elephant ear, is a large perennial plant native to Southeast Asia. The corms and leaf stalks are consumed as vegetables, but it is mainly grown as an ornamental plant in gardens.
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The giant elephant ear, is a large perennial plant native to Southeast Asia. The corms and leaf stalks are consumed as vegetables, but it is mainly grown as an ornamental plant in gardens.
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Caraway is a plant in the carrot family, which is cultivated for its small fruits. The dry fruits, which look like seeds, are used as a spice. The roots of the plant can be used as a root vegetable and the leaves can be used as a herb, similar to parsley.
Bananas are the world's best-selling fruits, followed by apples and oranges. They originate from tropical South-East Asia but are now found in almost all tropical regions of the world.
The genus Musa includes several species and cultivars of bananas. Some are used as fruits, some as vegetables.
Okinawan spinach is native to China, Thailand and Myanmar. It is cultivated as a vegetable or as a medicinal herb.
Maize (or Corn) is the number one cereal in the world. It is important as a staple crop in Africa and South America and it is also important worldwide as a fodder crop.
Daikon is a large white type of radish, which originates from East and Southeast Asia. As a root vegetable it is used in Chinese, Japanese and Thai recipes. In North America it is grown as a fallow crop and the leaves can be used as animal fodder.
Jerusalem artichoke is related to the sunflower. It originates from eastern North America and is grown in temperate climates for its tubers which are used as a root vegetable.
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Cabbage tree is a tree in the Moringa genus. Its leaves are edible and seeds can be used to purify water. Cabbage tree is native to Kenya and Ethiopia.
Capsicum chinense is species of chili pepper with several different varieties, including Habanero and Madame Jeanette.
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Capsicum frutescens is a species that includes several varieties of chili peppers: Piri piri, Malaguete pepper, Tabasco pepper, and Thai pepper.
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The Bitter bean or stink bean is tree of which the beans are used in Indonesian dishes. The big, flat beans are inside long, often twisted pods.
Stink beans are also used in several other South East Asian countries (Malaysia, Singapore, Laos, southern Thailand, Burma) and in north-eastern India. They have a strong smell and give a special aroma to the food in which they are used.
Artichoke is a thistle which is grown for the edible parts of the immature flowers.
Cardoon is the same species as artichoke, but it is a wild variety. The stems are eaten as a vegetable.
The immature green pods are eaten as a vegetable. They are called “drumstick”. Also the leaves are edible and sold as vegetables.
Tossa jute (Corchorus olitorius) is a tropical annual plant that is cultivated as a fiber crop or as a leaf vegetable.
The related White jute (Corchorus capsularis) is also a fiber crop.
Jicama is a vine with edible tuberous root which can be eaten raw. After peeling the skin the tuberous roots look a bit like potato and have a watery but fresh taste.
The seeds of the plant are toxic as they contain rotenone, which is a pesticide used to kill insects and fish.
White goosefoot is usually considered a weed but it is cultivated in some regions and used as a leaf vegetable. It is sometimes called pigweed, which is confusing as that name is also used for Common purslane and for Amaranthus spp.
Green amaranth is a species of vegetable in the Amaranth family (Amaranthaceae). The leaves are edible.
Winter purslane is a small annual plant which originates from North America and which is used as a leaf vegetable. It is sometimes called Miner's lettuce because during the California Gold Rush miners used to eat it as a source of vitamin C.
Often considered a weed, the common dandelian can also be used as a medical herb and as food. Dandelion leaves can be collected from the wild but are also sometimes grown to be used as a leaf vegetable. Young leaves and unopened buds are used raw in salads. Older leaves are cooked.
Most olives are produced in countries surrounding the Mediterranean Sea where the orchards with their garbled trees are a typical part of the landscape. Olive trees are usually cultivated to produce olive oil, which is a high quality edible oil used for cooking and in salads.
Olive trees can be very old, sometimes several centuries.
African eggplant (Solanum macrocarpon) is closely related to the eggplant (Solanum melongena).
It is a tropical perennial plant which originates from Africa and is now also cultivated in the Caribbean, South America, and Southeast Asia.
Mustard greens is a type of mustard plant (in the cabbage family) of which the leaves, seeds and stem are edible. The leaves have a pungent taste and are used as greens. Seeds are used to produce mustard oil.
Horseradish is grown for its root. The roots have not much aroma until they are cut or grated. Then because of certain enzymes, a chemical is produced which has a very pungent effect, similar to wasabi. After exposure to air it soon loses its pungency.
Celery is a widely used vegetable. it is usually grown for its crisp leaf stalks. The leaves have a strong flavor and are used to flavor soups and stews, or as a dried herb.
The groundnut, or peanut, is not a nut, but a legume. It belongs to the 'bean' family.
Groundnuts originate from South America and were already cultivated in Peru thousands of years ago.
The flowers self-pollinate and then the stalk at the base of the ovary elongates and grows downward to bury the fruits in the ground. This explains their name.
Leek is a vegetable that is a close relative of onion, garlic, elephant garlic and kurrat. The 'stem' or 'stalk' of leek is actually a bundle of leaf sheaths, which makes it a leaf vegetable.
Avocado originates from Southern Mexico and Central America. It is a very nutritious fruit with a fatty flavor and a creamy texture. Avocado is often used in salads and can be regarded as a vegetable.
Snake gourd is a tropical or subtropical vine, which is cultivated for its fruit. The fruit, which resembles a snake, is used as a vegetable.
Other names for snake gourd include serpent gourd, chichinga and padwal. The snake gourd is a common vegetable in south and south east Asia.
Several plants in the Araceae family are called Taro. Their corms are used as vegetables. Colocasia esculenta is the most widely cultivated type of Taro.
The genus Lagenaria includes several species, such as the calabash (Lagenaria siceraria). Fruits of Lagenaria are either used as vegetables, when harvested young, or as utensils (bottles) when harvested mature. The name 'bottle gourd' is also used for some other crops.
Zucchini are usually grown for their fruits which, usually cooked, are eaten as a vegetable. But also zucchini flowers are edible and may be used as garnish.
Pisum sativum var. saccharatum is a variety of the pea (Pisum sativum) where the entire pod can be eaten.
Pigeon pea is a legume which can grow in any warm climate and is mostly found in tropical regions. It originates from India where it probably has been cultivated for over 3500 years. Nowadays it is common in many countries with a suitable climate including East Africa and the Caribbean islands.
Sweet potato originates from North and South America, but its highest production is in China.
Sweet potato is usually grown for the sweet tasting tuberous roots. The young leaves and shoots are sometimes used as a leaf vegetable.
Gac fruit is a gourd shaped fruit that grows on a perennial vine. It is often grown in home gardens in Southeast Asia. The fruit is sometimes called the “fruit from heaven”.
Brussels sprouts is a cole crop which is cultivated for the small, leafy green buds, which look like miniature cabbages.
Sago is a starch extracted from the stem of sago palm. It is eaten as a staple food in some countries (New Guinea, Moluccas).
The turnip or white turnip is a root vegetable. Some smaller varieties are grown for human consumption while others are used as fodder. The leaves are sometimes eaten as “turnip greens”.
Soybean is often processed into soybean meal and vegetable oil. It is used as a source of protein in many types of processed foods or as a fodder for farm animals.
Soybean is a crop which has been genetically modified.
Names Scientific Plectranthus rotundifoliusSynonym Solenostemon rotundifoliusEnglish Chinese potato Coleus potato Country potato Hausa potato Madagascar potato Native potatoSpanish Patata de los HausasFrench Pomme de terre d’Afrique Pomme de terre du Madagascar Pomme de terre du SoudanGerman Hausakartoffel Taxonomy Genus PlectranthusFamily LamiaceaeOrder Lamiales Basic information and facts Origin: Probably originates from Africa. Distribution: Various tropical countries in Africa and Asia. Kenya, Zambia, Zimbabwe, Madagascar, Mauritius, India, Sri Lanka, Thailand, Indonesia, Malaysia. Crop
Ethiopian mustard is a leaf vegetable.
Research is going on to use oil from this plant to develop bio-fuel for jet engines.
Radish is a root vegetable in the cabbage family. It has its origin in Europe, but is now grown all over the world. There are many different varieties, which differ in shape length, color and size.
Cauliflower is closely related to cabbage, kale, broccoli and Brussels sprouts, which in fact belong to the same species. Cauliflower is one of the most popular vegetables.
The carrot originates from Afghanistan.
Carrots can be eaten raw (as a snack, or grated in salads) or they can be chopped and boiled, fried or steamed. Carrots are often used in soups and stews or they are used in baby foods.
Carrots are known for their high content of carotene (an orange pigment).
Capsicum is a genus of plants that includes several species of which the fruits are used as vegetables or spices. Some of these are hot peppers, while others are sweet peppers or bell peppers.
The species Capsicum annuum includes bell peppers (wich are not hot) and hot or vey hot chili peppers.
Bell peppers are found worldwide in areas with tropical or warm climate. The fruits can be eaten raw (e.g. in salads) or cooked (e.g. in stir-fried dishes).
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The fruits of the Bitter gourd (or Bitter melon) are eaten as a vegetable. As can be expected from the name, the bitter gourd has a very bitter taste.
Ash gourd (or wax gourd), is related to the cucumber. The large fuits are eaten as a vegetable.
Eggplant (or Aubergine) is closely related to tomato, potato and chili peppers. Originally a tropical crop, it is now also sometimes grown in (heated) greenhouses in cooler climates.
Longevity spinach is an edible vine which grows in Southeast Asia, China and Africa. The plant is collected from the wild but is also grown as a vegetable or as a medicinal plant.