Beetroot is a cultivated variety of the Beet. The red roots are eaten as a cooked vegetable or are used in salads.
Beetroot is a cultivated variety of the Beet. The red roots are eaten as a cooked vegetable or are used in salads.
Lentil was one of the first pulses cultivated by man. It is one of the eight neolithic founder crops, which were plant species that were domesticated in the Fertile Crescent region by early farming communities.
Elephant foot yam probably originates from India or Sri Lanka. It is grown for the corms which are eaten as a vegetable.
Amaranthus or amaranth is a group of plants belonging to the genus Amaranthus.
Seeds of Amaranth can be eaten as a grain. In that case they are called pseudograins or pseudocereals. However, most Amaranth species are grown as leaf vegetables or as ornamental plants.
The cultivated cabbage is related to the wild mustard, which originates from the Mediterranean region. It grows best in temperate climates. Large producers of cabbage are China, India, Russia, Korea and Japan.
Cabbage can be eaten raw or cooked, and it is often used in soups and stews. It can also be pickled or fermented to make sauerkraut or kimchi.
Potato originates from the Andes region in South America. After the discovery of the Americas it was brought to Europe where it quickly became an important staple food.
The tubers of the potato plant are used as main staple food (energy supply) or as a vegetable.
Teasle gourd is a small egg shaped vegetable fruit, related to the bitter gourd and sometimes called ‘Small bittergourd’. It is found mainly in tropical Asia.
Yardlong bean is a type of cowpea. The name yard-long bean is well chosen because these beans are really long, although not exactly one yard. The French name "Haricot kilomètre" (kilometer bean) is even more exaggerating, but you get the idea.
Yard-long bean is grown throughout the tropics. It is common in Southeastern Asia (e.g. Thailand) and Southern China, Africa and South America.
Yard-long bean is used as a green vegetable, just like green beans. The pods can be eaten fresh or cooked in a variety of dishes.
Tomatoes originate from Central and South America and are closely related to eggplant, chili peppers, potato and tobacco.
Tomatoes are eaten fresh or cooked and are often processed, for example to make tomato ketchup.
Several vegetables and fruits have names that refer to human body parts, such as a “hand of bananas” and a “cabbage head”. Another one is the okra, which is also called “Lady's finger”.
Okra is related to roselle, cotton and jute, which all belong to the Mallow family. It is grown for its green fruits. When cooked they are rather slimy.
The breadfruit tree originates from Polynesia but is now grown in most tropical regions of the world.
Breadfruits are rich in starch and are used as staple food in many tropical regions. The fruits are sometimes eaten ripe as a fruit, but more often they are used underripe as a vegetable.
Names Scientific Smallanthus sonchifoliusSynonym Polymnia edulisEnglish Peruvian ground apple YacónDutch Grond-appel YaconSpanish YacónFrench Poire de terre YacónGerman Yacón Taxonomy Genus SmallanthusFamily AsteraceaeOrder Asterales Crop categories Vegetables Tuber vegetables Food crops Tropical crops Pictures
Dioscorea is a genus which includes many species. They grow as lianas that can become 2 to 12 meter tall.
Several species within the Dioscorea genus produce edible tubers which are called yams. They are common in West Africa and New Guinea.
Names Scientific Dioscorea rotundataEnglish Guinea yam White yam Taxonomy Genus DioscoreaFamily DioscoreaceaeOrder Dioscoreales Crop categories Vegetables Root vegetables Food crops Tropical crops Staple food Pictures
Names Scientific Abelmoschus cailleiEnglish West African okraFrench Gombo ouest-africain Taxonomy Genus AbelmoschusFamily MalvaceaeOrder Malvales Crop categories Vegetables Fruit vegetables Food crops Tropical crops Pictures
Names Scientific Cucumis anguriaEnglish Burr cucumber Burr gherkin West Indian gherkinDutch Antillen komkommer Distelkomkommer Surinaamse wilde augurk West Indische augurkGerman Jamaika Igelgurke Taxonomy Genus CucumisFamily CucurbitaceaeOrder Cucurbitales Crop categories Vegetables Fruit vegetables Food crops Tropical crops Pictures
West Indian gherkin Read More »
Names Scientific Allium fistulosumEnglish Spring onion Welsh onionFrench CibouleGerman Winterzwiebel Taxonomy Genus AlliumFamily AlliaceaeOrder Asparagales Crop categories Vegetables Leaf vegetables Food crops Temperate crops Pictures
Names Scientific Nasturtium officinaleEnglish WatercressDutch Witte waterkersSpanish Berro Mastuerzo de aguaFrench Cresson de fontaineGerman Brunnenkresse Echte BrunnenkresseItalian Crescione d’acqua Taxonomy Genus NasturtiumFamily BrassicaceaeOrder Brassicales Crop categories Vegetables Leaf vegetables Herbs Medicinal plants Food crops Temperate crops Pictures
Water morning glory is a semi-aquatic plant grown as a leaf vegetable. It is a common ingredient in Southeast Asian dishes. The leaves are usually stir fried with chile pepper, garlic and other spices.
Water morning glory Read More »
Names Scientific Eleocharis dulcisEnglish Chinese water chestnut Water chestnutDutch Chinese waterkastanje WaterkastanjeFrench Châtaigne d’eau Châtaigne d’eau chinoiseGerman Chinesische Wasserkastanie Wasserkastanie Taxonomy Genus EleocharisFamily CyperaceaeOrder Poales Crop categories Vegetables Corm vegetables Nuts Food crops Tropical crops Pictures
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Two species in the Trapa genus (T.natans and T.bicornis) share the same common names, which creates some confusion.
Water caltrop Trapa bicornis Read More »
There can be some confusion with the common names of water chestnut. Two species in the Trapa genus (T.natans and T.bicornis) share the same common names. Also another unrelated species (Eleocharis dulcis) can be called water chestnut.
Water caltrop Trapa natans Read More »
Names Scientific Vigna mungoEnglish Black gram Black lentil Urad bean Urad dalDutch UradboonSpanish Lenteja negraFrench Haricot urdGerman Linsenbohne UrdbohneItalian Fagioli indiani Fagioli mungo Taxonomy Genus VignaFamily FabaceaeOrder Fabales Crop categories Vegetables Podded vegetables Food crops Tropical crops Legumes Pictures
Names Scientific Chaerophyllum bulbosumEnglish Bulbous chervil Parsnip chervil Tuberous-rooted chervil Turnip-rooted chervilDutch Knolkervel KnolribzaadFrench Cerfeuil à bulbe Cerfeuil bulbeux Cerfeuil tubéreux Chérophylle bulbeuxGerman Erdkastanie Kerbelrübe Knollenkerbel Knolliger Kälberkropf Knolliger Kerbel Rüben-Kälberkropf Rübenkerbel Taxonomy Genus ChaerophyllumFamily ApiaceaeOrder Apiales Crop categories Vegetables Root vegetables Food crops Temperate crops Pictures
Turnip-rooted chervil Read More »
This species is sometimes grown as a root vegetable because it has an edible tuber which can be eaten cooked or raw.
Names Scientific Praecitrullus fistulosusEnglish Apple gourd Indian baby pumpkin Indian round gourd TindaFrench Tinda Taxonomy Genus PraecitrullusFamily CucurbitaceaeOrder Cucurbitales Crop categories Vegetables Fruit vegetables Food crops Tropical crops Subtropical crops Pictures
Names Scientific Phaseolus acutifoliusEnglish Tepary beanSpanish Frijol tépariFrench Haricot tépariGerman Teparybohne Taxonomy Genus PhaseolusFamily FabaceaeOrder Fabales Crop categories Vegetables Podded vegetables Food crops Subtropical crops Legumes Pictures
The leaves of Spinach beet are used as a leaf vegetable and are eaten just like spinach.
Names Scientific Spinacia oleraceaEnglish SpinachDutch SpinazieSpanish EspinacaFrench ÉpinardGerman Echter Spinat Gartenspinat Gemüsespinat SpinatItalian Spinacio Taxonomy Genus SpinaciaFamily AmaranthaceaeOrder Caryophyllales Crop categories Vegetables Leaf vegetables Food crops Temperate crops Pictures
Spilanthes originates from Brazil.
Leaves are used in salds or are cooked. Decoction or infusions of the leaves and flowers can be used as medicine, for example to treat toothache and throat problems.
Names Scientific Allium cepa var. aggregatumSynonym Allium ascalonicumEnglish Eschalot Multiplier onion Potato onion ShallotDutch Eslook SjalotSpanish Cebolla escalonia Chalota Echalote EscaloniaFrench ÉchaloteGerman Askalonzwiebel Edelzwiebel Eschalotte Eschlauch SchalotteItalian Scalogno Taxonomy Genus AlliumFamily AlliaceaeOrder Asparagales Crop categories Vegetables Bulb vegetables Food crops Temperate crops Pictures
Names Scientific Allium wakegiEnglish Green onion Green shallots Salad onion Scallion Spring onionDutch Bosui Lenteui Pijpajuin Slaui Taxonomy Genus AlliumFamily AlliaceaeOrder Asparagales Crop categories Vegetables Leaf vegetables Food crops Pictures
Names Scientific Tragopogon porrifoliusEnglish Common salsify Goatsbeard Oysterplant Purple salsify SalsifyDutch Armeluisasperges Boksbaard Haverwortel Keukenmeidenverdriet Oesterplant Paarse morgenster Witte schorseneerSpanish Barba de cabra Salsifí comúnFrench Salsifis cultivéGerman Habermark Haferwurzel Purpur-Bocksbart Taxonomy Genus TragopogonFamily AsteraceaeOrder Asterales Crop categories Vegetables Leaf vegetables Root vegetables Food crops Temperate crops Pictures
Rutabaga is a root vegetable that originated as a cross between the cabbage and the turnip. The name ‘turnip’ is sometimes used for the rutabaga. Roots are edible and can be prepared in different ways. The leaves are also edible and can be used as a leaf vegetable.
Names Scientific Phaseolus coccineusEnglish Runner bean Scarlet runner beanDutch PronkboonSpanish Ayecote AyocoteFrench Haricot d’Espagne Haricot-fleurGerman Feuerbohne Käferbohne Prunkbohne Taxonomy Genus PhaseolusFamily FabaceaeOrder Fabales Crop categories Vegetables Podded vegetables Food crops Subtropical crops Temperate crops Pictures
Rhubarb is usually considered to be a vegetable, but it is used rather as a fruit, to make desserts.
Names Scientific Vigna umbellataEnglish Rice bean RicebeanFrench Haricot rizGerman Reisbohne Taxonomy Genus VignaFamily FabaceaeOrder Fabales Crop categories Vegetables Podded vegetables Food crops Tropical crops Legumes Forage and fodder crops Pictures
The unripe fruits of ribbed gourd are eaten as a vegetable. Mature ribbed gourd fruits are used to make sponges. The plant is also knows as ridged luffa.
A close relative of the ridged luffa is the Egyptian cucumber or smooth luffa.
Names Scientific Chenopodium quinoaEnglish QuinoaDutch Gierstmelde QuinoaSpanish Kinwa Quínoa QuinuaFrench QuinoaGerman Inkakorn Inkareis Perureis Quinoa Reismelde Taxonomy Genus ChenopodiumFamily AmaranthaceaeOrder Caryophyllales Crop categories Vegetables Leaf vegetables Edible seeds Pseudocereals Food crops Subtropical crops Temperate crops Pictures
Names Scientific Trichosanthes dioicaEnglish Parwal Pointed gourd Taxonomy Genus TrichosanthesFamily CucurbitaceaeOrder Cucurbitales Crop categories Vegetables Fruit vegetables Food crops Tropical crops Pictures
The pea was one of the first pulses cultivated by man. It is one of the eight neolithic founder crops, which were plant species that were domesticated by early farmers in the Fertile Crescent region. There are many types of peas, with different shape and colors, but all belong to the species Pisum sativum.
Names Scientific Pastinaca sativaEnglish ParsnipDutch Pastinaak Taxonomy Genus PastinacaFamily ApiaceaeOrder Apiales Crop categories Vegetables Root vegetables Food crops Temperate crops Pictures
Onion is the most widely used vegetable in the world and is found in a large range of food recipes in many different cultures. Highest production is in China and India.
In 2010 the estimated world production of dry onions was 74 million Metric Tons, which corresponds to about 11 kg per person.
The shoots of this bamboo species are consumed as a vegetable.
Several other bamboo species produce shoots that can be eaten as a vegetable.