The leaves of Chard have thick and fleshy midribs and are used as a vegetable.
Names Scientific Lactuca sativa var. asparaginaEnglish Asparagus lettuce Celery lettuce Celtuce Chinese lettuce Stem lettuceSpanish Lechuga china Taxonomy Genus LactucaFamily AsteraceaeOrder Asterales Crop categories Vegetables Stem vegetables Food crops Temperate crops Pictures
Celeriac is a type of celery. It is grown for its edible stem and shoots. Celeriac looks like a root vegetable but the edible part is actually a bulbous hypocotyl with many small roots attached.
Important cassava producing countries include Nigeria, Brazil, Indonesia, Thailand, Democratic Republic of the Congo, Angola and Ghana.
In 2010 the estimated world production of Cassava was 229,540,896 Metric Tons (source FAOSTAT), which corresponds to about 33 kg per person (in 2010 the world had about 6.9 billion persons). However, not all this cassava is eaten by people; cassave is also used in animal feed and to produce ethanol (as a biofuel).
Cassabanana originates from Brazil.
Cassabanana fruits can be up to 60 cm long. The Cassabanana fruit can be eaten as a hand fruit when ripe, or can be used to make jams or in cooking. Green fruits are eaten as a vegetable. Sometimes it is grown as an ornamental plant.
Butternut squash is a winter squash with a yellow skin and fleshy orange colored pulp.
Names Scientific Cyclanthera pedataSynonym Momordica pedataEnglish Caigua Slipper gourdSpanish Achocha Caigua CaihuaGerman Inka-Gurke Taxonomy Genus CyclantheraFamily CucurbitaceaeOrder Cucurbitales Crop categories Vegetables Fruit vegetables Food crops Tropical crops Pictures
Buttercup squash is a type of squash with many different cultivated forms.
Different cultivars of this species have a lot of variety in size, color and shape and are often known with different names, such as Banana squash, Lakota squash and Hubbard squash.
Buck’s horn plantain is used as a leaf vegetable, often in salad mixes.
Buck’s horn plantain Read More »
Names Scientific Vicia fabaEnglish Bell bean Broad bean Faba bean Fava bean Field bean Horse beanDutch Paardenboon Tuinboon VeldboonSpanish HabaFrench FèveGerman Ackerbohne Dicke Bohne Favabohne Saubohne SchweinsbohneItalian Fava Taxonomy Genus ViciaFamily FabaceaeOrder Fabales Crop categories Vegetables Fruit vegetables Podded vegetables Food crops Temperate crops Legumes Forage and fodder crops Pictures
Names Scientific Apium graveolens var. dulceEnglish Blanched celery Ribbed celeryDutch BleekselderijFrench Céleri-brancheGerman Bleichsellerie Taxonomy Genus ApiumFamily ApiaceaeOrder Apiales Crop categories Vegetables Leaf vegetables Stem vegetables Food crops Temperate crops Pictures
Names Scientific Raphanus sativus subsp. nigerEnglish Black radishDutch Ramenas RammenasGerman Rettich Taxonomy Genus RaphanusFamily BrassicaceaeOrder Brassicales Crop categories Vegetables Root vegetables Food crops Temperate crops Pictures
Names Scientific Scorzonera hispanicaEnglish Black salsify Spanish salsify Viper’s grass Viper’s herbDutch Armeluisasperge SchorseneerSpanish EscorzoneraFrench Scorsonère Scorsonère d’EspagneGerman Echte Schwarzwurzel Garten-Schwarzwurzel Spanische Schwarzwurzel Taxonomy Genus ScorzoneraFamily AsteraceaeOrder Asterales Crop categories Vegetables Root vegetables Food crops Temperate crops Pictures
Black mustard is a plant in the cabbage family. it is usually grown for its seeds, which are used as a spice or to produce cooking oil. Names Scientific Brassica nigraEnglish Black mustardDutch Zwarte mosterdSpanish Ajenabe Mostaza negraFrench Moutarde noire Sénevé noirGerman Schwarzer SenfItalian Senape nera Taxonomy Genus BrassicaFamily BrassicaceaeOrder Brassicales Basic information and facts Origin: Probably originates from the Mediterranean region of Europe. Distribution: Common in
Names Scientific Vernonia calvoanaEnglish BitterleafGerman Bitterspinat Taxonomy Genus VernoniaFamily AsteraceaeOrder Asterales Crop categories Vegetables Leaf vegetables Food crops Tropical crops Pictures
Bitter vetch was one of the first pulses cultivated by man. It is one of the eight neolithic founder crops, which were plant species that were domesticated in the Fertile Crescent region by early farming communities.
The species Beta vulgaris includes many different varieties, including: beetroot, sugar beet, mangelwurzel, and spinach beet. Most of these varieties are grown for the root, but some are leaf vegetables. All cultivated varieties fall into the subspecies Beta vulgaris subsp. vulgaris. This subspecies is divided in the Cicla group (the Leaf beets) and the Vulgaris group (the Tuberous beets).
Barbados gooseberry originates from tropical America.
The fruits of the Barbados gooseberry are edible and, as the name suggests, resembles the gooseberry in appearance. Fruits are eaten fresh or used to make jam. Leaves can be eaten as a vegetable.
Barbados gooseberry Read More »
Names Scientific Vigna subterraneaSynonym Voandzeia subterraneaEnglish Bambara bean Bambara groundnut Bambarra groundnut Earth pea Ground-bean Jugo beanFrench Pois bambara Pois de terreGerman Bambara-Erdnuss Taxonomy Genus VignaFamily FabaceaeOrder Fabales Crop categories Vegetables Podded vegetables Food crops Tropical crops Subtropical crops Legumes Pictures
This bamboo species is sometimes used for erosion prevention. The shoots are edible and used as a vegetable.
Several other bamboo species produce edible shoots.
Names Scientific Vigna angularisEnglish Aduki bean Adzuki bean Azuki beanDutch Adzukiboon Azukiboon ZukiboonSpanish Frijol adzuki Judía azukiFrench Haricot azuki Haricot rouge du JaponGerman AdzukibohneItalian Fagiolo azuki Taxonomy Genus VignaFamily FabaceaeOrder Fabales Crop categories Vegetables Podded vegetables Food crops Legumes Pictures
Asparagus is a stem vegetable. Names Scientific Asparagus officinalisEnglish Asparagus Garden asparagus Green asparagus Sparrow grass White asparagusDutch Asperge Groene asperge Witte aspergeSpanish Espárrago Espárrago blanco Espárrago verdeFrench Asperge Asperge blanche Asperge verteGerman Gemeiner Spargel GemüsespargelItalian Asparago Taxonomy Genus AsparagusFamily AsparagaceaeOrder Asparagales Basic information and facts Origin: Asparagus is native to Europe and western temperate Asia. Distribution: Highest production of asparagus is in China, Peru and Mexico. Other important producers are Germany, Thailand, Spain, USA, Japan,
This crop is usually cultivated as a tuber vegetable, but also the leaves and stems can be eaten.
The name Cocoyam can be a bit confusing as it is also used for Taro, which is a similar looking crop but is actually a different species.
Arrowleaf elephant ear Read More »
Arracha is a root vegetable that originates from the Andes region in South America. Its taproot is edible and is kind of intermediate between carrots and celery roots.
Names Scientific Cucumis melo var. flexuosusEnglish Armenian cucumber Snake cucumber Yard-long cucumber Taxonomy Genus CucumisFamily CucurbitaceaeOrder Cucurbitales Crop categories Vegetables Fruit vegetables Food crops Temperate crops Pictures
Names Scientific Apios americanaEnglish American groundnutSpanish Legumbre papa Papa de la IndiaFrench Glycine tubéreuseItalian Glicine tuberoso Taxonomy Genus ApiosFamily FabaceaeOrder Fabales Crop categories Vegetables Tuber vegetables Podded vegetables Food crops Temperate crops Legumes Pictures
American groundnut Read More »
This species of yam has tubers but also produces bulb-like structures in the leaf axils of the stems.
Flowers, young pods and leaves are eaten as vegetables. In Thailand the closed flowers are known as dok kae. They can be used cooked or steamed in soups and stews, but are also eaten raw in salads.
Names Scientific Blighia sapidaEnglish Ackee Akee Akee apple Vegetable brainDutch AkiFrench Akée AkiGerman Ackee Akee Aki Akipflaume Taxonomy Genus BlighiaFamily SapindaceaeOrder Sapindales Crop categories Vegetables Fruit vegetables Food crops Tropical crops Pictures
Red amaranth is a species in the genus Amaranthus. The red leaves are eaten as a vegetable, just like spinach.
Names Scientific Musa balbisianaSynonym Musa paradisiacaEnglish Banana PlantainDutch Bakbanaan KookbanaanSpanish Plátano machoFrench Banane à cuire Banane cochon Banane farine Banane jaune Banane plantainGerman Gemüsebanane Kochbanane Pisangfeige Taxonomy Genus MusaFamily MusaceaeOrder Zingiberales Crop categories Fruits Vegetables Fruit vegetables Food crops Tropical crops Staple food Pictures
Winged bean is a tropical legume with large beans that are decorated with four frilled wings. Apart from the beans also leaves and roots of the plant are edible.
Chayote is a climbing plant which originates from Mexico.
The fruit can be cooked or can be eaten raw in salads. Young shoots are often eaten stir-fried in Thailand.
Cucumbers and gherkins belong to the same species, but are different cultivar groups.
Cucumbers are usually eaten as a vegetable, mostly raw but sometimes cooked. Cucumbers are also used in skin care.
Cucumbers are related to pumpkins, zucchini, watermelon and other squashes. Cucumbers are mainly composed of water, but also contain some Vitamin C.
The irregular shaped peas have a high protein content and can be used in a large variety of dishes.
Chickpea was one of the first pulses grown by man. It is one of the eight neolithic founder crops, which were plant species that were domesticated in the Fertile Crescent region.