White star apple
Tropical fruit tree in several African countries.
White mulberry is cultivated as food for silkworms, which in turn are used to produce silk.
Fruits of the white mulberry are edible.
Names Scientific Syzygium aqueumEnglish Lau Lau Water apple Water cherry Watery rose appleDutch Djamboe aer Java appel Pommerak Taxonomy Genus SyzygiumFamily MyrtaceaeOrder Myrtales Crop categories Fruits Food crops Tropical crops Pictures
Names Scientific Clausena lansiumSynonym Clausena wampiEnglish WampeeDutch WampiFrench Vampi WampiGerman Wampi Taxonomy Genus ClausenaFamily RutaceaeOrder Sapindales Crop categories Fruits Food crops Tropical crops Pictures
The Tucum or Tucuma palm originates from the amazon rainforest.
Fruits of the Tucuma palm contain a single large seed. The fruits have a mildly sweet flavor and are rich in vitamin A. In Surinam the fruits are used to give a yellow color to rice.
The Tomatillo is an important ingredient in fresh and cooked Latin American green sauces (salsa verde). It is also used in fruit salads.
The Tomatillo is related to the Cape gooseberry.
Tamarillo is found in tropical and subtropical mountain areas. It originates from the Andes region.
Mature fruits of the tree tomato are orange, red or purple. Inside they look like a tomato. They are eaten as a vegetable and used in sauces or soups, but can also be used to make jams or jellies.
Names Scientific Citrus limettaEnglish Sweet limeSpanish Lima dulce Limetta dulce Limón dulce Limón dulce mediterráneoFrench Citron doux Lime méditerranéenne Limette Taxonomy Genus CitrusFamily RutaceaeOrder Sapindales Crop categories Fruits Food crops Pictures
The sweet granadilla originates from the Andes region in South America (Colombia, Venezuela, Bolivia).
Fruits of the Surinam cherry have one to three seeds. They have a sweet-sour taste and are rich in Vitamin C.
The strawberry guava originates from Brazil.
Fruit of the strawberry guava is eaten fresh. Cut the fruit in half and scoop out the pulp and seeds. The taste is is like a passionfruit mixed with strawberry.
There is a red-fruited and a yellow-fruited variety. The yellow-fruited strawberry guava is also called Lemon guava. The strawberry guava is closely related to the common guava
Spanish lime originates from south and central America and the Carribean.
Note that the name Honeyberry is also used for some different unrelated fruits.
Spanish tamarind is also called Tamarind of the Indies, but this does not originate from Spain or India and it is not related to the tamarind. Instead it originates from Madagascar and is common in many African countries, where it is grown for its large orange edible fruits.
Names Scientific Annona purpureaEnglish Ilama SoncoyaDutch SoncoyaSpanish Cabeza de negro Chincuya Soncoya ToretaItalian Soncoia Taxonomy Genus AnnonaFamily AnnonaceaeOrder Magnoliales Crop categories Fruits Food crops Tropical crops Pictures
Salmonberry originates from the west coast of North America.
Salmonberry can be eaten fresh or is used to make jam, jelly or wine.
Sapodilla is a tropical fruit tree. It originates from Mexico, Central America and the Caribbean. Fruits of the sapodilla look a bit like a potato but have a very sweet flavor.
The Safou originates from Africa where it is a traditional food plant. It grows in the humid, tropical forests of West and Central Africa.
This is a variety of the Strawberry guava.
Red-fruited strawberry guava Read More »
Fruits of red chokeberry can be eaten raw or are used to make jam, juice or wine.
Red chokeberry is closely related to two other chokeberry species: black and purple chokeberry.
Ramontch is native to tropical Africa and Asia.
Fruits of the Ramontchi are eaten raw or used to make jelly or jam.
Fruits of purple chokeberry can be processed to make juice, wine or jam.
The purple chokeberry has two close relatives: red chokeberry and black chokeberry. Possibly the purple chokeberry is a hybrid of the red and black chokeberry.
The Pitomba originates from Brazil.
Pitomba fruits are often eaten fresh but can be used to make jams or jellies. The taste resembles apricot. The fruits have a dark golden orange color and inside is one large white seed.
The name Pitomba is used for two different fruits (Talisia esculenta and Eugenia luschnathiana).
Pitomba Eugenia luschnathiana Read More »
Pitomba originates from South America (Amazon region).
The name Pitomba is used for two different fruits (Talisia esculenta and Eugenia luschnathiana).
Pitomba Talisia esculenta Read More »
Pomegranate fruits are eaten fresh or are used to produce juice. It is a fruit that in India has been used to prepare medicines for thousands of years, for example against diarrhea and intestinal parasites.
The names 'pepino melon' and 'melon pear' can be confusing because the Pepino is not related to melons or pears. The name 'tree melon' can be confused with the papaya.
Peach palm originates from the tropical forests of South and Central America. The nutritious fruits are edible but need to be cooked for several hours. The trees are also used to produce heart of palm.
Pawpaw originates from the USA.
Pawpaw is related to the Custard apple. The name Pawpaw is also used for the Papaya (Carica papaya) which looks similar but is quite a different fruit species.
The Malay gooseberry has sour tasting fruits which are rich in Vitamin C. The fruits are used to make chutneys and sauces. Young leaves are used as a vegetable.
Despite its name, the Otaheite gooseberry plant does not resemble the gooseberry.
Otaheite gooseberry Read More »
There are many blueberry species which are often picked from semiwild or wild bushes. Of the blueberry species that are cultivated the Northern highbush blueberry is the most popular species in North America. The Northern highbush blueberry originates from eastern North America.
Northern highbush blueberry Read More »
The naranjilla originates from the Andes region in Peru, Ecuador and Colombia.
Fruits of the naranjilla (or lulo) are eaten fresh or used to make juice or wine.
The Natal plum originates from South Africa.
Natal plums are eaten fresh or used in fruit salads.
The Nance originates from tropical America.
Nance fruits can be eaten fresh or are used in cooking to make desserts or in soup or meat recipes.
The mountain papaya is native to the Andes of northwestern South America. The fruit has five broad longitudinal ribs from base to apex. The fruit pulp is edible, similar to papaya. It is usually cooked as a vegetable, but is also eaten raw.
Luo han guo is a rare fruit that is grown in southern China.
The fruits are very sweet and are used as medicine and as a sweetener.
Lakoocha is a rare fruit tree known from Northern India.
Lakoocha or Monkey Jack is related to the Breadfruit.
The mirabelle plum is very common in the French region of Lorraine
Mirabelle plums are quite sweet with a rich flavor. They can be eaten fresh but are often processed in jams or pies or used to make wine.
Mirabelle plums are a subspecies of the common plum. They have small oval or round yellow fruits with smooth-textured flesh. The dark yellow colour of the fruit becomes rather flecked in appearance.
There are several varieties of Cucumis melo. Some are smooth-skinned, others have a netted skin surface. They are all called melons. Two varieties that are both called cantaloupe are Cucumis melo var. reticulus and Cucumis melo var. cantalupensis.
Names Scientific Mespilus germanicaEnglish Common medlar MedlarDutch MispelSpanish Nisperero europeo Níspero Níspero europeoFrench Mêlier Mesplier Néflier Néflier communGerman Echte Mispel MispelItalian Nespolo comune Taxonomy Genus MespilusFamily RosaceaeOrder Rosales Crop categories Fruits Food crops Temperate crops Pictures
The Mammee apple is sometimes confused with the mamey sapote tree (Pouteria sapota), whose fruits are also called mammee or mamey.
Names Scientific Pouteria sapotaEnglish Mamey sapoteDutch Mamey sapotaSpanish Mamey zapoteFrench Sapote Sapote à crème Sapote mameyGerman Große Sapote Mamey sapoteItalian Ciacalassa Zapotone Taxonomy Genus PouteriaFamily SapotaceaeOrder Ericales Crop categories Fruits Food crops Tropical crops Pictures
The Malay apple (Syzygium malaccense) has pear-shaped fruits that are 5 to 10 cm long. The fruits are longer than they are wide, but otherwise look similar to the Wax apple (Syzygium samarangense).
Loquat originates from China.
Fruits of the loquat are oblong or round, usually 4-5 cm long, with a golden yellow color. The fruits are usually eaten fresh or can be used to make jams, jellies and ice creams, or in pies.
Names Scientific Citrus limonEnglish LemonDutch CitroenSpanish Limón LimoneroFrench Citron CitronnierGerman Citrone Limone ZitroneItalian Limone Taxonomy Genus CitrusFamily RutaceaeOrder Sapindales Crop categories Fruits Essential oils Food crops Subtropical crops Pictures
The large cranberry is an edible fruit. It is native to eastern Canada and eastern US.
The large cranberry is a cranberry species in the subgenus Oxycoccus in the genus Vaccinium. This genus includes many other edible fruits such as blueberries and bilberries.