The category “ornamental plants” includes a wide range of plants that are used in parks and gardens. Examples of ornamental plants are flowers such as tulips and crocus, but also beautiful trees such as the breadfruit tree.
Total 45 crops found in category Ornamental plants
1) African mangosteen2) Aloe vera
3) Alpine currant
4) Asian pigeonwings
5) Aster
6) Black chokeberry
7) Breadfruit
8) Buddha's hand
9) Calamondin
10) Carnation
11) Cassabanana
12) Castor bean
13) Catnip
14) Cherry plum
15) Chinese tallow tree
16) Chokeberry
17) Chrysanthemum
18) Cocoplum
19) Common daisy
20) Common lavender
21) Crocus
22) Daffodil
23) Dahlia
24) Freesia
25) Gerbera
26) Hyacinth
27) Iris
28) Japanese stone oak
29) Jasmine
30) Job's tears
31) Lacy Phacelia
32) Lotus
33) Lupine
34) Marigold
35) New Zealand flax
36) Opium
37) Purple chokeberry
38) Ramie
39) Red chokeberry
40) Rose
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Examples of ornamental plants