
Passion fruit

Passion fruits have a delicious taste and are used in soft drinks and in cocktails.

The passionfruit is a climbing plant which is also well known for its beautiful flowers. There are two types of passion fruit: purple and yellow.


   Passiflora edulis
   Passiflora edulis f. edulis
   Passiflora edulis f. flavicarpa
   Golden passion fruit
   Passion fruit
   Purple passion fruit
   Fruits de la passion
   Frutto della Passione



Basic information and facts


Purple passion fruit originates from southern Brazil, Paraguay and northern Argentina.
The origin of the yellow passion fruit is not clear, but may be the Amazon region.


Brazil, Australia, New Zealand, Hawaii, India, South Africa, Kenya, Philippines, Indonesia and several other countries in Asia, Africa and South America.



Evergreen or deciduous:



The passion fruit is a woody, perennial, vine. It climbs
by means of tendrils.


Passion fruit has a very distinctive flower called Passion flower. But this name is also used for many other species in the Passifloraceae family. The name refers to the Passion of Christ on the cross. Spanish missionaries adopted the unique physical structures of this flower as symbols of Crucifixion. The 72 radial filaments (or corona) represent the Crown of Thorns. The top 3 stigmata represent the 3 nails and the lower 5 anthers represent the 5 wounds.


Alternate leaves, which are deeply 3-lobed when mature. Leaves are finely toothed and can be 8 to 20 cm long. The color is deep-green and glossy above, but they are paler and dull beneath. Leaves can be tinged with red or purple, especially in the yellow form.


The fruit has a round to oval shape. At maturity the color is yellow or dark purple. The fruits has a thick peel and a soft to firm, juicy interior which is filled with many seeds. The purple form has black seeds, the yellow form has brown seeds. Fruits of the yellow form are generally larger than the purple.

Climate and weather:

The purple passion fruit is subtropical while the yellowform is tropical or near-tropical.


By bees. It may be necessary to cross-pollinate by hand.

Type of soil:

Prefers light to heavy sandy loams, of medium texture, but can be grown on many types of soils.

Growth rate:

Fast growing. The vine growth 4 to 6 meter per year. It requires a strong support.

Spacing (close range)

2 meter

Spacing (wide range)

4.5 meter


Passion fruit is usually grown from seed. Layers or cuttings of matured wood with 3 or 4 nodes can be used. Grafting.

Fruit development:

Fruits ripen in 70-80 days after pollination.


Ripe fruits fall on the ground and should be collected daily. Fruits can also be hand picked just before they are ripe.


Fruits are used for fresh consumption or to produce juice. The juice has a very strong taste and is often diluted or can be mixed with other fruit juices or in cocktails. The pulp of the purple form is less acid, is richer in aroma and flavor, and it has a higher proportion of juice than the yellow form.

Did you know that?

  • There is a strong believe about the passion flower, which is said to symbolize the torture and death of Christ. The three stigmas represent the three nails in Jesus’s hands and feet. The threads of the passion flower represent the Crown of Thorns. The tendrils of the vines are the whips. The five anthers are the five wounds. The ten petals and sepals represent the Apostles (there were 12, but excluding Judas and Peter). And finally the purple color of the petals corresponds to the purple robe used to make fun of Jesus’ claim to be a king.


Passion fruit with rum

Fresh passion fruits, White rum, Ice cubes

Cut the passion fruits in halves. Remove the pulp and squeeze and stir it through a sieve to extract the pure juice. Add Rum to taste. Add ice cubes. If too strong, dilute with water, or wait for the ice cubes to melt.

Passion fruit sangria

300 ml pineapple juice, 100 ml grape juice (white), 100 ml passion fruit juice, 25 ml fresh lime juice, 1 bottle white wine, 150 ml ginger ale

Mix the juices and wine in a large container and cool it. Just before serving add the ginger ale and stir.

Passion Fruit Green Tea

2 Ripe Passion Fruits, 1 Cup Green Tea, 2 1/2 Tablespoon Honey, 4 Ice Cubes

Cut the passion fruits in half, pour all the juice in a cocktail shaker.
Pour the tea in the cocktail shaker, along with the honey.
Shake the drink until even, refrigerate. When serving, add the ice.

Crop categories

Food crops
Tropical crops


Passion fruit

Passion fruit

Passion fruit

Passion fruit

Passion fruit leaves

Passion flower

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