The Tangelo or Honeybell is a Citrus fruit. It is a hybrid of tangerine and pomelo or grapefruit.
The fruits are a bit bigger than an orange and are very juicy. They taste a bit like tangerine.
The Tangelo or Honeybell is a Citrus fruit. It is a hybrid of tangerine and pomelo or grapefruit.
The fruits are a bit bigger than an orange and are very juicy. They taste a bit like tangerine.
Pond apple is a tropical fruit tree, related to Soursop and Cherimoya.
The tree grows in swamps and is tolerant of saline water. It cannot grow in dry soil.
Avocado originates from Southern Mexico and Central America. It is a very nutritious fruit with a fatty flavor and a creamy texture. Avocado is often used in salads and can be regarded as a vegetable.
Snake gourd is a tropical or subtropical vine, which is cultivated for its fruit. The fruit, which resembles a snake, is used as a vegetable.
Other names for snake gourd include serpent gourd, chichinga and padwal. The snake gourd is a common vegetable in south and south east Asia.
Thai long pepper is a vine in the pepper family (Piperaceae) and therefore related to black pepper (P. nigrum)and betel leaves (P. betle). It is native to South and Southeast Asia.
The fruits are used fresh or dried to give flavor to food. In Bangladesh the stems and roots are used as a spice which is cooked with mutton or in other meat and fish dishes.
White jute (Corchorus capsularis) is an annual plant which produces long stems with fibers that are used to make ropes. It originates from India and grows in tropical and subtropical climates.
White jute is close related to another jute species called Tossa jute (Corchorus olitorius).
The Egyptian cucumber is also called sponge gourd or vegetable sponge. The young fruits can be eaten as a vegetable, but older fruits are very fibrous and become inedible. They are then used to make bath sponges.
The marang tree originates from Borneo.
Fruits of marang are among the most tasty fruits in the genus Artocarpus.
Marang fruits have a shape between breadfruit and jackfruit.
Rubber trees are commercially grown for the milky latex which can be extracted from the tree. This latex is the primary source of natural rubber.
Wax apple or Water apple is native to Southeast Asia.
Fruits of some varieties are eaten fresh, but of other varieties the fruits are stewed or cooked.
The fruits are 4 to 5 cm long, and are wider than they are long. They have some resemblance to the pear-shaped Malay apple.
Several plants in the Araceae family are called Taro. Their corms are used as vegetables. Colocasia esculenta is the most widely cultivated type of Taro.
The genus Lagenaria includes several species, such as the calabash (Lagenaria siceraria). Fruits of Lagenaria are either used as vegetables, when harvested young, or as utensils (bottles) when harvested mature. The name 'bottle gourd' is also used for some other crops.
Bilimbi has a sour taste and is usually not eaten fresh but is used to make jams or chutney. The bilimbi fruits are also used in some rice and fish recipes.
Bilimbi is a close relative of the Carambola.
Bignay is native to Malaya and Asia.
Fruits of bignay grow in grape-like clusters with often twenty or thirty fruit per cluster. Fruits are used to make jelly, jam or wine. The fruits ripen unevenly so within a cluster the fruits have different colors.
Henna is a shrub or small tree. It is leaves are ground to a powder which is used as a red dye to dye skin, hair, fingernails, leather and wool.
Roots of the common madder are used to produce a red dye that is used for leather, wool, cotton and silk. This vegetable dye is sometimes called rose madder or Turkey red.
Root chicory is used as a substitute for coffee. Names Scientific Cichorium intybus var. sativumEnglish Root chicoryDutch KoffiecichoreiFrench Chicorée à café Chicorée à torréfier Taxonomy Genus CichoriumFamily AsteraceaeOrder Asterales Crop categories Temperate crops Pictures
An Asian tree of which the waxy coating of the seeds can be used ta make candles or soap. Another use of the wax is to produce bio-diesel. The leaves are sometimes used as a herbal medicine.
Chinese tallow tree is also planted as an ornamental tree.
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A cultivar is a cultivated variety of a plant. The term “cultivar” is used instead of the term “variety” if the variety is the result of human action (e.g. breeding for certain characteristics such as color, taste or disease resistance). The term “variety” should be used if the type of plant is the result of
Khorasan wheat is an ancient cereal which probably originates from the Fertile Crescent. It is probably a natural hybrid between Triticum durum and Triticum polonicum. The ears and grains of this type of wheat are longer than in modern wheat (Triticum aestivum).
White currants belong to the same species as red currants (Ribes rubrum). The difference is just a variation in color.
Common rue can be grown as a deterrent for cats and is also used as an insect repellent. It is a herb with a bitter taste. In Ethiopia leaves of common rue are dipped in coffee to give the coffee an additional flavor. Also used as a medicinal plant to improve appetite and digestion.
Wasabi is a Japanese plant in the cabbage family and is related to cabbage, horseradish and mustard. It is grown for its root which is used as a spice often used in Japanese cuisine.
Plant breeding is the process of changing the genetics of plants with the objective to produce desired characteristics. The earliest plant breeding techniques involved simply selecting plants with desirable characteristics for propagation. Later it was found that deliberate hybridization could be used to quicker develop new plant types. The work of Gregor Mendel was important
Feverfew is a herb which is sometimes used as a herbal medicine for example to prevent headaches, migraines, and to reduce fever.
The pretty flowers look a bit like daisies and are therefore sometimes planted in gardens as an ornamental plant. Leaves smell a bit like citrus.
Grafting is a plant propagation technique whereby tissues from one plant are inserted into those of another so that the two sets of vascular tissues may join together.
SRI is the abbreviation of System of Rice Intensification. This is a methodology aimed at increasing the yield of rice, often using the following six interrelated practices: Transplanting very young seedlings (8 to 15 days old) to enhance their potential for rooting and tillering Planting single seedlings (instead of 2 or more together) carefully and
Subsistence farming (or Subsistence agriculture) is self-sufficiency farming in which the farmer will try to grow enough food to feed his/her family. It refers to a situation where nearly all the food that is produced is consumed in the farm household. In addition to subsistence crops (e.g. rice, vegetables) the subsistence farmer may have some
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A cash crop is a crop grown for sale rather than for subsistence. For example, a small farmer in the tropics could grow some rice for his own consumption and in addition may grow some tobacco and vegetables as cash crops (i.e. for direct sale). A cash crop is usually easily marketable.
A crop is a cultivated plant or agricultural produce considered as a group and often grown commercially on a large scale. For example a cereal (grain), vegetable or fruit can be called a crop. For example: Rice is a tropical crop. Note: The World Crops Database does not only include plants, but also some fungi
Bunium persicum is often confused with Nigella sativa because both plant species are called “black cumin”.
The dried fruits are used as a spice and also the tuber-like root is edible and can be used as a vegetable.
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There are two different species of plant that are called Black cumin which can create some confusion. Nigella sativa is an annual plant which originates from south and southwest Asia. The fruit is a capsule which contains many black seeds which are used as a spice.
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A walnut is an edible seed of trees of the genus Juglans. The best known species is the Common walnut (Juglans regia).
Zucchini are usually grown for their fruits which, usually cooked, are eaten as a vegetable. But also zucchini flowers are edible and may be used as garnish.