Snow pea
Pisum sativum var. saccharatum is a variety of the pea (Pisum sativum) where the entire pod can be eaten.
Pisum sativum var. saccharatum is a variety of the pea (Pisum sativum) where the entire pod can be eaten.
Balsam of Mecca is the gum of a tree originating from southern Arabia. It is used to produce perfume. Sap, wood, bark, and seeds have medicinal properties.
Aloe vera is grown for its medicinal properties. It is used to treat wounds and as a skin moisturiser.
The tobacco plant originates from America where it was 'discovered' by Columbus on his first trip to the new world. The local population had already discovered that the plant can be used for smoking.
The category “herbs” includes crops that are not cultivated for the food value but for their flavor, scent or medicinal qualities. Herbs are plants of which the leafy green parts are used in cooking, to make herbal teas, as natural medicines, and in some cases for spiritual purposes. Examples of herbs are oregano and mint.
The category “spices” includes plants that are not grown for their food value but rather are used in small amounts as a food additive to add flavor or color. Some spices are used as food preservatives. While “herbs” are green plant parts, “spices” are dried seeds, fruits, root or bark. Examples of spices are ginger,
Velvet bean is a tropical legume grown in Africa, India and the Caribbean. The plant produces serious itchiness on contact, especially the young leaves and seed pods. The German name 'Juckbohne' means 'itch bean'.
Pigeon pea is a legume which can grow in any warm climate and is mostly found in tropical regions. It originates from India where it probably has been cultivated for over 3500 years. Nowadays it is common in many countries with a suitable climate including East Africa and the Caribbean islands.
The cashew nut is a small evergreen tree which originates from Brazil. It is now planted in many tropical regions. The cashew nut is an edible seed. Also the so called 'cashew apple' is edible or can be used to produce juice.
Sweet potato originates from North and South America, but its highest production is in China.
Sweet potato is usually grown for the sweet tasting tuberous roots. The young leaves and shoots are sometimes used as a leaf vegetable.
Kava is a plant that is related to black pepper. It originates from the western Pacific. The roots of the plants have medicinal properties and are used to prepare a drink which works as a sedative and has also anesthetic effect.
Grains of Paradise is the name of a plant in the ginger family, which originate from West Africa. The ground seeds are used as a spice. It has a peppery flavor and was therefore in Europe used as a black pepper substitute during the 14th and 15th century.
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Buddha's hand is a variety of the citron. The fruits are segmented into finger-like sections. Buddha's hand originates from Northeastern India or China.
The kiwifruit, or just kiwi, was first known as “Chinese Gooseberry”. It got its new name from the kiwi bird, one of the national symbols of New Zealand.
The kiwi fruit is a fuzzy brown egg-shaped fruit with green flesh.
Flowering plants are sometimes grouped in dicotyledons and monocotyledons. Monocotyledons (or monocots) have just one embryonic leaf or cotyledon. The dicotyledons (also called dicots) have seeds with two embryonic leaves.
Pecan nuts originate from North America. In the past, the nuts would be collected from wild pecan trees and only relatively recently (since the 1880s) the trees have become domesticated.
Trees are called ‘deciduous’ if they drop their leaves during a certain season. Often this will be during the winter season in temperate climates or during the dry season in tropical climates.
Flowering plants are sometimes grouped in dicotyledons and monocotyledons. The dicotyledons (also called dicots) have seeds with two embryonic leaves or cotyledons. Monocotyledons (or monocots) have just one embryonic leaf.
Gac fruit is a gourd shaped fruit that grows on a perennial vine. It is often grown in home gardens in Southeast Asia. The fruit is sometimes called the “fruit from heaven”.
Names Scientific Rosmarinus officinalisEnglish RosemaryDutch RozemarijnSpanish RomeroFrench RomarinGerman RosmarinItalian Rosmarino Taxonomy Genus RosmarinusFamily LamiaceaeOrder Lamiales Crop categories Herbs Subtropical crops Pictures
Brussels sprouts is a cole crop which is cultivated for the small, leafy green buds, which look like miniature cabbages.
Pistachio originates from Asia but is grown a lot in Europe for the edible green seeds.
Pistachio nuts are eaten as a snack (either fresh or roasted and salted) or can be processed, for example to make ice cream.
In the Pistacia genus, several other species exist which may also be known as pistachio. This may create some confusion.
Sago is a starch extracted from the stem of sago palm. It is eaten as a staple food in some countries (New Guinea, Moluccas).
Cacao is a tropical tree. The seeds of the cacao tree are used to make cocoa powder and chocolate. The origin of cacao is the Amazon area in South America, but highest production is in Ivory Coast and Ghana.
Cacao contains a bitter alkaloid called Theobromine, which has a similar, but lesser, effect to Caffeine.
Sugar maple is a forest tree originating from North America. The trees are famous for their bright colors during autumn.
Sap of the sugar maple is used to produce maple syrup or maple sugar. The wood is used to produce pool cues and musical instruments.
Names Scientific Gossypium arboreumEnglish Tree cottonDutch BoomkatoenFrench Cotonnier en arbre Taxonomy Genus GossypiumFamily MalvaceaeOrder Malvales Crop categories Subtropical crops Tropical crops Fiber crops Pictures
Creole cotton is a cotton species with long fibers. There are several varieties each know with their own names, for example American Pima.
Cotton is a fiber crop. The seeds are covered with fibers which can be removed (ginning) and are then twisted together to make thread, which is then used to make textiles.
Cotton was already cultivated in Mexico about 5,500 years ago
The name cotton is used for several species in the genus Gossypium that are grown as a fiber crops. Upland cotton is the most important cotton species. Other cottons are Tree cotton and Creole cotton. Cotton fibres are used to make textile products.
The almond is not a true nut but a drupe. The “nut” is the seed inside the hard shell.
Almonds are often used as snacks, for example smoked and salted, in chocolates, or as sugared sweets, and are often used in baking, for example to decorate cakes.
Khat originates from east Africa and is mainly grown in Kenya, Ethiopia, Oman and Yemen.
Khat leaves are chewed because they contain a stimulant alkaloid that causes euphoria and excitement. It also causes a loss of apetite and loss of self control.
Khat is classified as a drug which can produce mild to moderate psychological dependence.
The turnip or white turnip is a root vegetable. Some smaller varieties are grown for human consumption while others are used as fodder. The leaves are sometimes eaten as “turnip greens”.
Black pepper is the most important and most widely used spice in the world. It should not be confused with other 'peppers' such as chili peppers and bell peppers, which belong to the genus Capsicum.
Opium poppy is the plant which is grown to produce opium and poppy seeds. It is used to produce many narcotics, such as morphine and heroin.
Soybean is often processed into soybean meal and vegetable oil. It is used as a source of protein in many types of processed foods or as a fodder for farm animals.
Soybean is a crop which has been genetically modified.
Cinnamon is a spice made of the dried bark of the True cinnamon or Ceylon cinnamon. It is a small evergreen tree which originates from Sri Lanka.
Names Scientific Cinnamomum cassiaSynonym Cinnamomum aromaticumEnglish Chinese cassia Chinese cinnamonDutch KaneelSpanish CassiaFrench Cannelier casse Cannelier de Chine Cannelle de Cochinchine Casse Cassia Fausse cannelleGerman Cassiazimt ZimtkassieItalian Cassia Taxonomy Genus CinnamomumFamily LauraceaeOrder Laurales Crop categories Spices Tropical crops Pictures
Names Scientific Cinnamomum loureiroiEnglish Saigon cinnamon Vietnamese cassia Vietnamese cinnamon Taxonomy Genus CinnamomumFamily LauraceaeOrder Laurales Crop categories Spices Tropical crops Pictures
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Names Scientific Cinnamomum burmanniiEnglish Indonesian cinnamon Korintje Padang cassia Taxonomy Genus CinnamomumFamily LauraceaeOrder Laurales Crop categories Spices Tropical crops Pictures
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Names Scientific Plectranthus rotundifoliusSynonym Solenostemon rotundifoliusEnglish Chinese potato Coleus potato Country potato Hausa potato Madagascar potato Native potatoSpanish Patata de los HausasFrench Pomme de terre d’Afrique Pomme de terre du Madagascar Pomme de terre du SoudanGerman Hausakartoffel Taxonomy Genus PlectranthusFamily LamiaceaeOrder Lamiales Basic information and facts Origin: Probably originates from Africa. Distribution: Various tropical countries in Africa and Asia. Kenya, Zambia, Zimbabwe, Madagascar, Mauritius, India, Sri Lanka, Thailand, Indonesia, Malaysia. Crop
Ethiopian mustard is a leaf vegetable.
Research is going on to use oil from this plant to develop bio-fuel for jet engines.
Sesame is one of the oldest oil crops in the world. The small seeds are often seen on the surface of breads, hamburger buns, cakes or cookies.
Radish is a root vegetable in the cabbage family. It has its origin in Europe, but is now grown all over the world. There are many different varieties, which differ in shape length, color and size.
The False mangosteen or Yellow mangosteen is related to the mangosteen. The yellow juicy fruits are edible and have an acid flavor.
Cowa is a rather unknown tropical fruit, related to the mangosteen. The slightly sour fruits are edible.
Cauliflower is closely related to cabbage, kale, broccoli and Brussels sprouts, which in fact belong to the same species. Cauliflower is one of the most popular vegetables.