Flowers, young pods and leaves are eaten as vegetables. In Thailand the closed flowers are known as dok kae. They can be used cooked or steamed in soups and stews, but are also eaten raw in salads.
Flowers, young pods and leaves are eaten as vegetables. In Thailand the closed flowers are known as dok kae. They can be used cooked or steamed in soups and stews, but are also eaten raw in salads.
Alfalfa resembles clover (Trifolium spp.). It is usually used as an animal fodder, but alfalfa sproutes are eaten by humans, similar to bean sprouts.
Fruits are eaten fresh or used in drinks. Often the plant is just grown as an ornamental plant because the fruits are bright orange in color.
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Names Scientific Blighia sapidaEnglish Ackee Akee Akee apple Vegetable brainDutch AkiFrench Akée AkiGerman Ackee Akee Aki Akipflaume Taxonomy Genus BlighiaFamily SapindaceaeOrder Sapindales Crop categories Vegetables Fruit vegetables Food crops Tropical crops Pictures
The achacha is grown in the Antilles and the northern part of South America (e.g. Bolivia). It has recently been introduced in Australia.
The fruit has a diameter of six to seven centimetres. The edible white pulp has a bitter and sweet taste.
This fruit is related to the mangosteen.
The origin of acerola is in Southern Mexico, Central and South America.
Fruits of acerola are eaten fresh and are appreciated for their high vitamin C content.
Acerola fruits look a bit like cherries.
Absinthium is used as a medicinal plant and also as an ingredient to add flavor to certain drinks (e.g. in absinthe). Absinthium is also used as an insect repellent.
Names Scientific Pouteria caimitoSynonym Achras caimito Lucuma caimitoEnglish Abiu Yellow star appleDutch AbiuSpanish Caimito Caimito amarilloItalian Caimito Taxonomy Genus PouteriaFamily SapotaceaeOrder Ericales Crop categories Fruits Food crops Tropical crops Pictures
The categorie “alcohol production” is for crops that are used to produce pure alcohol (ethanol or bio-ethanol). This alcohol can be used in fuels or for industrial purposes. Examples of crops used for commercial alcohol production are barley, wheat and potato. There is a separate category of crops that are used for producing alcoholic drinks.
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The category “temperate crops” refers to crops that grow in the cooler climates in the world. However, some temperate crops are also found cooler regions in the tropics, for example in mountain areas. The temperate zones are located between latitude 35° and latitude 66.5° north and south of the equator. Latitude 66.5° are the polar
The category “subtropical crops” refers to plants that generally grow in areas with a subtropical climate. The database currently classifies agricultural crops in 3 categories (tropical, subtropical, temperate), but many crops belong to more than one of these categories. The subtropics are located roughly between the tropics and the temperate zone, which corresponds with the
The category “tropical crops” refers to plants that grow in tropical climates. The database currently classifies agricultural crops in 3 categories (tropical, subtropical, temperate), but several crops belong to more than one of these categories. The tropics are located between latitude 23.5° north and south of the Equator. These latitudes are called the Tropic of
Main food crops are those that form a major part of the daily diet in relatively large quantities as a source of energy (e.g. cereals and some tubers), proteins (e.g. beans), vitamins (e.g. vegetables and fruits) and minerals. The category “food crops” includes cereals, fruits, vegetables , pseudocereals, and a few others such as sugarcane
The category “algae” includes algae that are commercially produced, either as food or for industrial purposes. Examples of edible algae
The category “mushrooms” includes edible fungi that are commercially grown on mushroom farms. If you like mushrooms, perhaps you will enjoy these proverbs and quotes about mushrooms . Examples of edible mushrooms
The category “industrial crops” in the World Crops Database contains plants that are grown to be processed in factories for non-food purposes. Plants can be processed for their fibers to make clothing, special chemicals to make plastic, ink or perfumer, or oils for industrial use. Examples of industrial crops are rubber, cotton, potato and lavender.
The category “staple food” in the World Crops Database includes food crops that are the main food eaten and the main source of energy in the diet. Different countries often have different staple foods. Some of the crops included in this category used to be staple foods in the past but have now lost their
The category “legumes” includes all plants that are classified in the plant family ‘Fabaceae’. This is the legume family or pulse family, which is also called ‘Leguminosae’. Examples of legumes are beans, peas and groundnuts. Examples of legumes
The category “ornamental plants” includes a wide range of plants that are used in parks and gardens. Examples of ornamental plants are flowers such as tulips and crocus, but also beautiful trees such as the breadfruit tree. Examples of ornamental plants
The category “cut flowers” are plants grown for their flowers, which are usually used for indoor decoration. Examples of cut flowers are roses, tulips and daffodils. If you like to read more about flowers, have a look at these proverbs and quotes about flowers. Examples of cut flowers
The category “botanical pesticides” includes agricultural crops that contain substances that can be used in pest control. For example pyrethrum contains a natural insecticide. Also the neem tree is often used to prepare botanical insecticides. Examples of botanical pesticides
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The category “cover crops” includes plants grown for different reasons, such as improving soil fertility or to manage pests and diseases or to control weeds.
The category “soil improvement” includes crops grown to improve the quality of the soil. Examples of crops that improve soil quality are kudzu (Japanese arrowroot) and lupin. Examples of crops for soil improvement
The category “erosion prevention” includes crops that can be used on steep slopes to prevent soil erosion. Examples of crops that prevent erosion are bamboo and vetiver grass.
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The category “green manures” includes plants that are grown as natural fertilizers. Often these belong to the family Fabaceae (for example clover) because they contain high levels of nitrogen. Examples of green manures are clover, alfalfa and lupins. Examples of green manures
The category “essential oils” contains crops that are grown for their natural oils. These oils give the plant its characteristic odors and can be extracted and used for making perfumes or flavorings. Examples are cloves, peppermint and several types of flowers, such as roses and freesias. Examples of essential oils
The category “dye crops” are plants that are grown to use as a coloring agent. Examples of dye crops are henna and turmeric. Examples of dye crops
The category “energy crops” includes crops that are grown to produce different types of fuels. For example sugar containing crops, where the sugar is used to produce alcohol. Examples of energy crops are oil palm and wheat. Energy crops
The category “fiber crops” includes plants that are grown for their fibers, for example cotton and jute. Examples of fiber crops
The category “forage and fodder” includes agricultural crops that are grown as animal food. Examples of forage and fodder crops
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The category “aphrodisiacs” includes plants that are known or expected to increases sexual desire. Examples are ginseng and celery. Examples of aphrodisiacs
The category “pseudocereals” includes plants that are used in much the same way as cereals, but which do not belong to the grasses (true cereals are grasses). Examples of pseudocereals are buckwheat and amaranth. Examples of pseudocereals
The category “vegetable oils” includes crops which are grown to extract oils that are used in cooking, for fuel, for cosmetics, for medical purposes, or for industrial purposes. Example of oil crops are corn, olive, soybean and sunflower. Examples of vegetable oils
In the World Crops Database the category “edible seeds” includes all plants with edible seeds, except the “cereals” and “legumes”, which are separate categories. Examples of edible seeds are sesame, sunflower and black pepper. Examples of edible seeds
The category ‘nuts’ includes all crops that produce hard-shelled fruits which are called nuts. It includes not only true nuts according to the biological definition of a nut, such as hazelnut and chestnut, but any hard shelled fruits that contain an oily kernel used as food (e.g. groundnut). Examples of nuts
The category “stimulants” includes crops that have a psycho-stimulant effect. Examples of stimulants are coffee (contains Caffeine) and tobacco (contains Nicotine). Examples of stimulants
The category “medicinal plants” includes plants which are used as botanical medicines (herbal medicines). Many different plants are known to have healing properties. Examples of medicinal plants are Aloe vera, which is used to treat wounds, and Centella. Examples of medicinal plants
The category “corm vegetables” category includes plants of which the corms are used as food. A corm is a short underground swollen plant stem used as a storage organ of the plant. Examples of corm vegetables are Taro and Chinese water chestnut. Examples of corm vegetables
The category “Podded vegetables” includes legumes of which the fruit (a pod) is used as food. It includes two type of podded vegetables; those that are shelled before eating (e.g. garden peas), and those that are cooked and eaten whole (e.g. yard-long beans). Some plants that are not legumes produce pod-like fruits and are also
The category “tuber vegetables” includes plants of which the tubers are used as food. Tubers are modified plant structures (usually roots or stems) that are enlarged to store nutrients. Examples of tuber vegetables are: potato and cassava. Examples of tuber vegetables
The “Bulb vegetables” category includes plants of which the bulbs are used as food (e.g. onions). A bulb is a short stem with fleshy leaves or leaf bases, which are used as food storage organs during periods of dormancy. Examples of bulb vegetables
The category “root vegetables” includes plants of which the roots are used as food. In some cases these are swollen roots. Examples of root vegetables are radish, daikon and carrots. Examples of root vegetables
The category “flower vegetables” includes plants of which the flowers are used as food. Examples of flower vegetables are cauliflower and artichoke. Examples of flower vegetables
The category “fruit vegetables” includes plants of which the fruits are used as food, but it does not include plants with sweet or fleshy fruits that are eaten raw. It also does not include plants that are grown for their grains. Examples of common fruit vegetables are tomato and cucumber. Examples of fruit vegetables
The category “Stem vegetables” includes plants of which the stems are used as food, for example asparagus is a stem vegetable. The shoots of some species of bamboo are edible and are therefore also classified as stem vegetable. Examples of stem vegetables
Red amaranth is a species in the genus Amaranthus. The red leaves are eaten as a vegetable, just like spinach.
Names Scientific Musa balbisianaSynonym Musa paradisiacaEnglish Banana PlantainDutch Bakbanaan KookbanaanSpanish Plátano machoFrench Banane à cuire Banane cochon Banane farine Banane jaune Banane plantainGerman Gemüsebanane Kochbanane Pisangfeige Taxonomy Genus MusaFamily MusaceaeOrder Zingiberales Crop categories Fruits Vegetables Fruit vegetables Food crops Tropical crops Staple food Pictures
Names Scientific Erythroxylum cocaEnglish CocaDutch CocaSpanish CocaFrench CocaGerman CocastrauchItalian Coca Taxonomy Genus ErythroxylumFamily ErythroxylaceaeOrder Malpighiales Crop categories Medicinal plants Tropical crops Stimulants Pictures
Indian gooseberry or Amla is a tropical fruit tree. The fruits look like gooseberries. They have a sour bitter taste and are rich in vitamin C.