The category “fruit vegetables” includes plants of which the fruits are used as food, but it does not include plants with sweet or fleshy fruits that are eaten raw. It also does not include plants that are grown for their grains.
Examples of common fruit vegetables are tomato and cucumber.
Total 45 crops found in category Fruit vegetables
1) Ackee2) African eggplant
3) Armenian cucumber
4) Ash gourd
5) Avocado
6) Banana
7) Bitter gourd
8) Breadfruit
9) Broad bean
10) Buttercup squash
11) Butternut squash
12) Caigua
13) Calabash
14) Capsicum spp
15) Cassabanana
16) Chayote
17) Chilacayote
18) Chili pepper Capsicum annuum
19) Chili pepper Capsicum baccatum
20) Chili pepper Capsicum chinense
21) Chili pepper Capsicum frutescens
22) Chili pepper Capsicum pubescens
23) Chili peppers
24) Common bean
25) Cucumber
26) Cushaw pumpkin
27) Drumstick tree
28) Eggplant
29) Egyptian cucumber
30) Ethiopian eggplant
31) Gac
32) Ivy gourd
33) Maize
34) Okra
35) Olive
36) Plantain
37) Pointed gourd
38) Ribbed gourd
39) Snake gourd
40) Teasle gourd
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Examples of fruit vegetables