The category “subtropical crops” refers to plants that generally grow in areas with a subtropical climate. The database currently classifies agricultural crops in 3 categories (tropical, subtropical, temperate), but many crops belong to more than one of these categories.
The subtropics are located roughly between the tropics and the temperate zone, which corresponds with the area between latitude 23.5° (the Tropic of Cancer and Tropic of Capricorn) and latitude 35° north and south of the Equator.
Subtropical climates have often warm to hot summers and cool to mild winters with infrequent frost.

KVDP [CC BY-SA 3.0], from Wikimedia Commons
Total 135 crops found in category Subtropical crops
1) Ajowan2) Allspice
3) Almond
4) Aloe vera
5) Amaranthus spp
6) American persimmon
7) Anise
8) Apricot
9) Argan
10) Arracacha
11) Arrowroot
12) Artichoke
13) Australian desert raisin
14) Australian finger lime
15) Azarole
16) Balsam of Mecca
17) Bambara groundnut
18) Basil
19) Bay laurel
20) Bergamot
21) Biriba
22) Bitter orange
23) Bitter vetch
24) Black mustard
25) Black wattle
26) Blue agave
27) Blue gum
28) Calamondin
29) Canary grass
30) Cantaloupe
31) Caper
32) Castor bean
33) Cauliflower
34) Chayote
35) Cherimoya
36) Chia
37) Chickpea
38) Chili pepper Capsicum annuum
39) Chili pepper Capsicum baccatum
40) Chili pepper Capsicum chinense
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Showing results 1 to 40 of 135
Examples of subtropical crops
Click here for tropical crops or temperate crops.