The term “Fruit” usually refers to a structure of a plant containing the seeds. In the World Crops Database, the “Fruits” category refers only to fruits that are fleshy and are usually eaten raw (such as bananas, apples and mangoes). The category does not include vegetable fruits (e.g. beans, peas) or cereals.
Total 224 crops found in category Fruits
1) Abiu2) Açaí palm
3) Acerola
4) Achacha
5) African mangosteen
6) Alpine currant
7) Ambarella
8) American gooseberry
9) American persimmon
10) Apple
11) Apricot
12) Arazá
13) Asian palmyra palm
14) Asian pear
15) Atemoya
16) Australian desert raisin
17) Australian finger lime
18) Avocado
19) Azarole
20) Babaco
21) Bael
22) Banana
23) Barbados gooseberry
24) Bergamot
25) Betel nut
26) Bignay
27) Bilberry
28) Bilimbi
29) Binjai
30) Biriba
31) Bitter orange
32) Black chokeberry
33) Black currant
34) Black mulberry
35) Black sapote
36) Blackberry
37) Blue-berried honeysuckle
38) Borojó
39) Breadfruit
40) Buddha's hand
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Showing results 1 to 40 of 224
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There are hundreds of fruit species and many of these are eaten fresh as hand fruits or in desserts. Others are processed to make jams, marmalade or are used in cakes, cookies, ice cream, fruit juices, fruit wines or other products.
Fruits are often a good source of vitamins. Most have a high water content and depending on the type they may contain a lot of fiber and sugars. Generally fruits are considered good for health as they contain important vitamins (especially Vitamin C). Eating a lot of fruits is found to reduce risks of cancer, cardiovascular disease, strokes, and other health problems.
Some of the most important fruit crops in the world include banana, apple, grape, watermelon and mango.
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Examples of fruits

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